Friday, August 1, 2008

Tagging, folksonomies & social bookmarking in

Took a look around using the PLCMCL2 account and clicked on a bookmark that had been bookmarked by alot of other users, 3745 to be exact, the site is Us.ef.ul: A begginners guide to, the most common tags for this site were, howto, tips, web2.0 and tutorial. I clicked onto other users that had bookmarked this site and had a look at what other sites they had bookmarked. I came across a very useful reference website called 100 Unbelievably Useful Reference Sites You've Never Heard Of. This reference site is great for students, teachers, librarians and even the general public. The section on Teacher's Reference is great because this provides a teacher's guide for double-checking facts, looking for quotes and providing ideas for lesson plans. This section also featured the Children's Literature Web Guide, where award-winning children's books could be located. Under the section Librarian References I found great reference sites for librarians like Historical Text Archives, and the educational search engine called KidsClick! developed by librarians and organized into topics like society & government, health & family, machines & transportation, there was also the Library of Congress Online and Library Spot, which provides links to encyclopedias, business references and public libraries. Under the Search Engines section I found Rollyo ( how interesting), this section provided other search engines other than Google e.g. Giga Blast ( which enables you to search websites, videos and images). I think Manukau Libraries would benefit from having a link to this website for homework and general knowledge questions.

Quotes about Libraries was another site I found when clicking onto another user's bookmark. Here are some interesting library quotes:

Booklovers never go to bed alone.

Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring a container.

Seventy million books in American's libraries but the one you want to read is always out.
-Tom Mason

I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking something up and finding something else on the way.
-Franklin P Adams

Borrowers of books--those mutilators of collections, spoilers of symmetry of shelves and creators of odd volumes.
-Charles Lamb

I think we library staff can relate to the last quote really well. is a great social bookmarking site beause you are able to see how other users have tagged similar sites and from their tags you are able to discover other websites that could be of interest to you, or could provide new insights/ information for the research you're doing. Because your bookmarks are stored online you are able to access the same bookmarks from any computer and easily add bookmarks as well this is the great advantage of using

1 comment:

tosca said...

Hey, I see you've been working on your bog! You've got your LibraryThing bookcovers displaying and they look good. Enjoyed reading your post, and especially enjoyed the quotes :D